<h2>EVD Business Outsourcing Solutions – EVDBOS – sets you free by empowering your business. Through EVDBOS, we serve a range of back-end office functions, freeing you up to better focus on your core business objectives..</h2>
<p><strong>iOFFICE TODAY</strong></p>
<li>Cost efficient records management</li>
<li>Highly secured asset protection</li>
<li>Proper utilisation of human capital</li>
<li>Implementation of eco-friendly workplace practices.</li>
<p><strong>SCOPE OF SERVICES</strong></p>
<p>By deploying comprehensive business outsourcing solutions, EVDBOS helps you carry out workplace tasks with ease.</p>
<p><strong>Services include:</strong></p>
<p><strong>INTEGRATED RECORDS SOLUTIONS </strong></p>
<li>State-of-the-art digital imaging and document scanning solutions, powered by Canon, our imaging partner</li>
<li>Customised index system to serve multi-user departments of each client</li>
<li>Seamless integration with existing Document Management System (DMS)</li>
<li>On or off-site operations based on client need.</li>
<p><strong>MEDIA TAPE MANAGEMENT </strong></p>
<li>Professional media tape management service</li>
<li>High security with air-conditional storage facility</li>
<li>Self-owned transportation for media retrieval and collection service</li>
<li>Need for storing the media in 3rd party company for business contingency purpose</li>
<p><strong>DEEDS MANAGEMENT </strong></p>
<li>Professional consultancy and services on deeds management and retention practices</li>
<li>Self-owned facilities and transportation fleet for collection, storage and delivery</li>
<li>Climate-controlled facilities designed to provide ideal protection of all types of deeds</li>
<p><strong>OFFICE ASSET MANAGEMENT</strong></p>
<li>One-stop solution from warehousing, transportation to booth set-up and dismantling, as well as return logistics</li>
<li>Comprehensive asset management and inventory control with detailed dataflow</li>
<li>Point of Sales management, including fast set-up and replacement of furniture, signage and displays across multiple locations</li>
<li>Systematic supplier management</li>
<li>Online management reporting to provide clear, detailed and up-to-date inventory records for auditing and renewal purposes.</li>
<p><strong>360° SHIPMENT VISIBILITY </strong></p>
<li>Total transparency of shipment status along the supply chain</li>
<li>Scanning, indexing and sorting of Proof of Delivery (POD) to allow relevant information sharing</li>
<li>Customised filing tree diagram in accordance with client filing system</li>
<li>Application of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, enabling efficient keyword search</li>
<li>Real-time online tracking of delivery status Minimised administration cost for documentation handling and processing.</li>
<p><strong>BUSINESS RECOVERY CENTRE </strong></p>
<li>Highly secured base for business continuity in times of disaster or crisis</li>
<li>Providing of an alternate site with fully furnished office and IT set-up</li>
<li>A dedicated team of experts with Business Continuity Institute Membership (BCIM) offering professional consultancy on risk management, Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and business recovery plan</li>
<li>Reliable IT support to maintain business continuity in a prompt manner</li>
<li>Strong logistics support to fulfil Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and smooth operation of Business Recovery Centre</li>
<li>Confidence = Proven track record with MNC clientele</li>
<li>Comprehensiveness = One-stop solution</li>
<li>Reliability = Strong logistics backup</li>
Business Outsourcing SolutionaAdmin@i2021-07-04T13:33:56+00:00